Return and refund policy
You have 3 days after receipt of your order to notify us if there was a breakage during delivery. If the deadline is exceeded, we will not be able to initiate refund and return procedures. If there is an error on your part in the choice of product, or in any other aspect of the order, you must fully assume the delivery costs.
If there is an error on our part, we cover the costs without problem. Each return request must be evaluated and accepted by Reflet Beauté. Return costs for an unused product in good condition are covered by the customer unless there is an intolerance or reaction to your product. The product will be fully refunded.
You only have to cover the return costs. You must contact us by telephone to find out the procedures. 418-243-3376 EXTENSION 1
In the event of product dissatisfaction, we will not refund used products that have not been recommended by our team. We advise you if you are unsure to seek advice from our beauty experts via telephone or via the website at